
" Logic will take you from A to B, Imagination will take you everywhere- Albert Einstein.

Before I even begin explaining what hypnotherapy is about, I have to acknowledge and give great thanks and honor to my teacher/mentor/Goddess soul sister, Linda. If it was not for her, I would not be the person that I am today. She has been such an inspiration and healed me in more ways that can ever be mentioned here. Her honesty, integrity, faithfulness, loyalty and precious, precious soul made me realize my true path, my destiny, my gifts, but most of all my heart( I also think she sent Gaagii to me, through one of her powerful meditations)! *happy sigh*
    Keep up those wonderful blessings that you throw out into the universe daily. Find her here : 
Hypnotherapy is a complementary modality that employs relaxation techniques and creative visualization for the purpose of healing.  It is highly effective for improving mental, emotional, or physical issues.  Hypnotherapy is often used in adjunct with other modalities. 
 Hypnotherapy can be used alone for personal development and behavior change, such as overcoming stage fright or ceasing addictions or habits such as smoking.  
Hypnosis is an altered, yet natural, state of mind. It is ‘sleep of the nervous system.’  The term ‘hypnosis’ is taken from the Greek God of Sleep, Hypnos, and was coined in the 1880’s.  This word is used to explain the alpha or theta brain waves that all healthy brains move through daily.  All people go into 'hypnosis' all the time; it is the trance state where we are 'in the zone' or 'distracted'.  Examples include reading a book, watching a movie, or driving home from work and then realizing you were on 'autopilot.’  It is also that feeling of being “a million miles away” when someone is trying to get our attention.  
The resulting deep relaxation of hypnosis helps one gain full access to their own subconscious mind to seek the internal thoughts and feelings around any issue they may have.  The subconscious mind holds the greatest amount of information about us. Living within the subconscious mind are all involuntary body functions, memory, dreams, imagination, emotions, and creativity.  By working with the subconscious mind in an imaginative way, one can transform limiting ideas to empowering ones.

Healing with Hypnotherapy is not limited too, but includes :
Weight Loss 

Stress & Anxiety


Fears & Phobia's

Pain Management

Stop Smoking


Spiritual Connection
