Chakra Power

What are chakras?
The seven chakras are "energy transducers" in the aura. They are stimulated by sound, colour and mineral vibrations, and integrate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual facets of the human into a coherent whole. There is generally an overlapping and sharing of functions amongst chakras.
Where are the chakras located?
The seven chakras are located roughly near our glands: the names of each chakra describes roughly where it is located: They are the root chakra, womb, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.
The physiological roles of the chakras:
The root and womb chakras are related to generative and sexual functions. The solar plexus chakra is related to digestion. The heart chakra is related to the heart and circulation, and the throat chakra is related to the lungs and the voice, including the ears, nose, and throat. The third eye chakra is related to vision, the eyes, and the pituitary gland. The crown chakra is related to the brain, and especially the pituitary and pineal glands.
The psychological functions of the chakra:
The three lower chakras are related to our raw emotions and biological instincts ranging from sexual desire and hunger, into passion, anger, pleasure and joy and other relatively simple emotional states. The four higher chakras are related to higher cognitive states - the heart chakra is related to empathy and understanding, the throat chakra is related to vocal expression, hearin

Element: Earth
Vibration Colour: Red
Property: self-preservation
Gemstones: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, tourmaline, smoky quartz (red stones)
Tone: C

Located at the base of the spine, the Base Chakra forms our foundation. It is related to our survival instincts, our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the earth. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. 

Element: Water
Vibration Colour: Orange
Property: self-gratification
 Gemstones: Carnelian, coral, agate, brown jaspar (orange stones), quartz crystal, moonstone, garnetTone D
Solar Plexus Chakra
Element: Fire
Vibration Colour: Yellow
Property: self-definition
Gemstones: Tiger Eye
Tone: E

Element: Air
Vibration Colour: Green or Pink
Property: self-acceptance
 Rose quartz, pink tourmaline, emerald (pink or green stones)
Tone: F

The Heart Chakra is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy heart chakra produces enhanced empathetic abilities, allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and experience peace, lightness and balance
Element: Sound
Vibration Colour: Blue
Property: self-expression
, Moonstone, lapis lazuli, dark aquamarine

Located in the throat, the Throat Chakra is related to communication and creativity. The vibration of sound released through language and song promotes clarity and a sense of lightness and well-being. 

Element: Light
Vibration Colour: Indigo
Property: self-reflection
Gemstones: Moonstone, lapis lazuli, dark aquamarine (indigo-coloured stones)
Tone: A

The Third Eye Chakra is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. The awakening of the third-eye chakra leads to clairvoyance or the ability to see on the non-physical planes.

Element: Thought
Vibration Colour: Magenta
Property: Self-knowledge
Amethyst, moss agate, chalcedony, amber, celestite, diamond
Tone: B

Information here copied from the Wonderful